So $3.00 dollar a gallon gas is what MSNBC is calling "Dems hope to cash in on fuel-price anger." There is a message here from MSNBC that is trying to define high gas prices as an opportunity for Democrats, which it is, however the "cashing in" is being done by the oil companies, and we clearly need, as a party, to define what and who is "cashing in."
The fact that many of us across the country are seeing gas prices go up by almost .30 a gallon in 3 days isn't a way for the Dems to cash in, it is an abuse by the oil companies who once again will make record profits.
The fact of the matter is that the Energy Bill passed by the GOP congress, written behind closed doors with the oil companies, has ensured that the American Consumer will get screwed as the oil companies profit at levels never before seen.
This is an opportunity for Democrats to come up with, and present, a comprehensive Energy Policy for America, a policy which covers energy use across the board: homes, businesses, and yes cars.
This is an opportunity for Democrats to put forth legislation that will create not just funding for research, but also ways to create jobs in America, good paying, manufacturing jobs, construction jobs and more. By creating a new "industry" that fuels our energy needs through alternative forms of energy, Democrats can show Americans exactly what we stand for: Oil independence, strong job growth with good salaries for working Americans, care for the environment and once again making America the leader in the eyes of the world.
It is clear that the media will continue to craft this issue as something the Democrats are using, and as Democrats it is our charge to show America that we aren't "opportunists" we are visionaries who want to make our nation better in all ways, for all who live here, not just the few who happen to own oil companies.
Bush/Cheney had an opportunity to create a solid energy bill, instead they used their power to create what we see today, higher and higher prices with no end in sight, and almost all of the rise ending up as profits, not "costs." No matter how much we drill, there is a limited amount of oil, and to simply allow for more drilling isn't a solution to our energy problem, it is a sure way to make things worse (as we are seeing with prices right now, as well as global warming.)
The Bush/Cheney administration was opportunist in using the power of their office to benefit a few at the expense of working Americans. Democrats need to take this "opportunity" to help working Americans get through a crisis that has been created by Bush, and in doing so we will show America exactly what we stand for.