In "Va. Governor Injured in Fall Off Bicycle" at,1280,-5102425,00.html ,
"Gov. Mark R. Warner broke his bill-signing hand Monday in a spill from his bicycle.
Warner, 50, was treated at a hospital after suffering two broken bones in his right hand, said press secretary Kevin Hall.
The governor was among about 2,000 cyclists in rural Rockbridge County for a 24-mile bike ride. Warner had six miles left when the accident occurred.
Warner lost control as he was approaching a railroad track and holding a water bottle in one hand, leaving him unable to apply pressure evenly to brakes for the front and rear wheels....Warner apparently squeezed the front brakes too hard, flipping the bike.
The governor was wearing a helmet.
Warner's term as governor ends in January. He has been mentioned as a possible Democratic presidential candidate in 2008."