(Crossposted from my blog,
As noted here by ex-GenDean honcho Michael Whitney, the Kerry campaign seems intent on shooting itself in the foot not just once, but with BOTH barrels of that shotgun JFK was using.
John is embarking on a campus tour of the Northeast accompanied by special guest... Jon Bon Jovi.
Yes, you read right, Jon Bon Jovi.
WTF? Speaking from the perspective of a 20-year-old college student, Bon Jovi hasn't been relevant since I was finger-painting in kindergarten. Is this the best the Kerry camp can do, drag out rock stars who are 20 years past their prime?
But this is only a symptom of a greater problem in the campaign. Their "Students for Kerry" outfit doesn't even have a full-time coordinator, and their "outreach" consists entirely of "Uh, register to vote." This is the best we Democrats can do? No issues papers? No student activism offices giving campuses help with organizing?
By contrast, Generation Dean had four to six full-time paid staffers working to do far more than just register voters - we were in the streets and the dorms and the halls and the quads getting the message out that Howard Dean was going to give young people a voice again and was going to actually fight for their issues. We OWNED college campuses nationwide.
But no, while Kerry dithers about "registering to vote" and ignores grassroots organizing opportunities at colleges and universities around the country, Bush's student campaign is up to 40,000 members with 21,000 added in just the last month. Imagine that - the Democratic Party losing the battle for America's youth.
So yes, Dark Helmet. It looks like evil will triumph, because John Kerry's campaign is dumb.