The NYT has published two "good news" articles in Iraq recently, one was the "Op Chart" which showed statistics of various national services. The other is
this one about the popularity of the new Iraqi police force. This one reads like genuine good news.
I was against the invasion from the start, not because I thought taking out Hussein was a bad thing per se, but because I thought then, and still think now, that the primary architects for the plan are a bunch of dangerous ideologues, who think the goal of invading Iraq is not World Peace, but American World Hegemony. I somehow get the picture that they are for American World Hegemony with the caveat that they should be behind the wheel in the US of A.
They saw Iraq as a stepping-stone to such a policy. I must presume that they still see it so; if it were otherwise, we wouldn't be seing schitzophrenic articles like this one. In the very same article we have the Iraqis expecting devolution of power by next summer, while at the same time
Mr. Bush told British reporters it was "inconceivable" that he would consider pulling all American troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan anytime soon. "We're not pulling out until the job is done. Period,"
So I am left wondering what is meant by power devolution to the Iraqis, and how complete that devolution might be.
Anyway, here's my cheer for the Iraqi police. Good luck to them! Now, if only we had some real way to pay for this adventure without resorting to massive inflation...