'There are no transitional fossils' is an oldie but a goodie in the arsenal of the Intelligent Design/Creationist's misinformation campaign. A transitional fossil is one which shows physical similarities between two distinct lineage's of creatures. But for creationists,
any new transitional is grist for the propaganda mill. And when the transitional happens to be between 'apes' and humans, creationists tend to single it out for extra special subterfuge. What will they make of this?
[Link] An international team of scientists has discovered 4.1-million-year-old fossils in eastern Ethiopia that fill a missing gap in human evolution.
The teeth and bones belong to a primitive species of Australopithecus known as A. anamensis, an ape-man creature that walked on two legs.
Australopethicines are a genus of bipedal apes of which the most famous representative is Lucy. The article isn't entirely accurate that this find will fill a missing gap. This particular species, anamensis, is not new, but the fact that it's an 'ape-man' will no doubt elicit much arm waving and, well, lying from our good friends in anti-science central.
If so, that might serve as an interesting case study in how creationist lie and obfuscate as they ply their wares over the next few weeks. I'll keep tabs on that and if my prediction bears out, I believe you'll find familiar parallels between those shenanigans and the present crop of Republican apologitsia that swarm over each GOP screw up like dung beetles gobbling up elephant shit. For while the lie at hand may change in the details, or the liar's identity and agenda may vary, the tactics of right-wing operators in concealing and promoting the lies are as timeless as they are dishonest.