Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse: it's
Bush will announce that he's nominating Abu Ghraib-enabling, Alberto "Spider's Caught a Fly" Gonzales as SCOTUS CJ. Where's my air sick bag?
No, WaPo did not specifically report this. But, read the article. It's author leaves little doubt that's what's coming down.
The chief enabler of U.S. torture is now to get a lifetime appointment presiding over American law. It doesn't get much worse.
The WaPo slant: Gonzales will only face "conservative" opposition.
If that ain't a Kossack call to arms, I don't know what it is!!!!!!!
(Oh, and a 4 to anyone who can name the film reference.)
The real question here is: are we ready to go to matresses on Gonzales?
There is a method to the Republican madness. All this talk about the Guantanamo menu was prelude to the nomination of Gonzales.
Similarly, the attack on Durbin was a taste of what the Rethugs will bring if the Dems try to raise the torture issue again.
But, I say FUCK THEM. The Gonzales nomination will allow us to raise, again, all of the issues we raised before, plus ones we didn't get a chance to properly air.
We should take the opportunity, and demand that our representatives filibuster this affront to our Constitution.