In the midst of a Washington Post article on Alan Greenspan's suggestion that social security benefits for baby boomers should be cut, this sentence appears:
"Greenspan, who turns 78 next week, said that the benefits now received by current retirees should not be touched but he suggested trimming benefits for future retirees and doing it soon enough so that they could begin making adjustments to their own finances to better prepare for retirement."
You know, in theory I should be all for cutting Social Security to the boomers. I'm about to embark on a lifetime of productivity, which in its aggregate will be completely expended on benefits that the boomers have protected for themselves. But we don't have a 551 Billion Dollar Budget Deficit because of social security. Social security is in surplus, as it will be for another decade or so. We have the Deficit because of Bush and his obscene payoffs to Republican campaign contributors.
Greenspan's suggestion is more perverse than I can express in words. The boomers have been productive and they have bankrolled their parents' long and comfortable retirements. The Republicans have not been productive. They have leached off the productivity of society, getting rich at the government's teat whilst protecting a larger and larger proportion of their wealth for personal consumption. They are a cancer.
Greenspan should be shuffled off to his gilded looney bin for the remainder of his pointless existence. I'm sure his government pension is ample and safe. Retiring boomers should not take the brunt of Republican greediness. Let the Rangers and Pioneers suffer now for their boundless arrogance and their endlessly grasping claws.