These guys at the White House have got to be getting nervous about the tone of the questions they are getting from the General Public. How much longer can they think these crap stock answers are going to work?
1/29 Ask the White House
Today's questions include...
Does the record deficit worry you? How will it be paid off and by whom?
With all of the tax cuts Bush has been giving, how does this help our economy. I've read books that say that it just weakens our economy. With tax cut after tax cut how does this help our nation?
Mr Evans, when is someone in the national government going to wake up and stop the exodus of jobs to countries like India? How is our country and the American way of life going to survive if a person can't earn enough to raise a family?
With the job market remaining unresponsive to economic news and returned stability, how are the current economic initiatives going to stimulate
job growth when it hasn't yet made an impact?
You look like a weatherman. Is it true all the weathermen across the country work for you? Why is it we do not call female weathermen "weatherwomen?"
(I kid you not about that last question)
All the answers are the standard talking points. We are creating jobs. The economy is improving due to tax cuts. If people believed this, why are they continually be asked the same questions?