If there is one issue to see just how out in left (right?) field the radical republicans who run this nation are, one has to look no further than to the Free Republic and their thread on the deal by Bush to finally agree to McCain's ban on torture (which it is sad enough that we have to have a bill which does that).
Luckily, I can no longer be surprised by their comments, so my brain hasn't quite started to melt yet by reading it.
However, here are some of the gems:
Activist judges and peaceniks were quickly issued large rolls of red tape with which to bind and impede our military during its critical efforts to stop terrorism.
(In big 96 pt font red letters):
The Al Qaeda Bill of Rights
I don't give a flying f#ck what the rest of the world (or you) thinks about the US.
Yet another terrorist enabler. < sigh>
Nothing like comparing the "right to torture" to those rights guaranteed by our Bill of Rights:
The Al Qaeda Bill of Rights
Yeah, no kidding. And, on the birthday of our very own Bill of Rights.
Neither McCain nor Bush has the authority to trade our lives or those of our troops so they can 'feel better' about themselves.
Politics is not narcissistic self-therapy.
McCain wins, America loses.
We might as well start forming up the Commission for Analyzing the Next attack on the United States. This bill will have the same effect as the reforms imposed on the CIA to avoid using "Bad Guys."
Ultimately we will lose alot of American lives and the blame will be because we couldn't get crucial information. And, there will be a round of recriminations and saying if we only knew.. But, we do know that this is a mistake.
We are doing our best to lose this war.
This has nothing to do with torture. Torture is already illegal.
This is about extending the torture ban to include degrading treatment, as defined by the lawyers of jihadists.
But then, I don't expect anyone who considers McCain and Hegel to be heros to understand that.
Congress is worse, the attack on our troops by alleged vets is sickening.
The Islamic terrorists are laughing their a**es off.
And of course, this is just as bad as that dumb Miranda decision which, you know, hampers police too much:
HOW SOON 9/11 IS FORGOTTEN!! THESE MORON POLITICIANS STILL DON'T GET IT. It started with the Miranda decision and we've gone full circle. This is comparable when the Sen. Church Amendment hamstrung the CIA years back, which culminated in lousy intelligence.
Where are the real Americans?
(Apparently not at the Free Republic)
Of course, Bush isn't
conservative enough:
Yeah but I want a real President. 3 more years of Mr. Softie and I will go insane. We have the Presidency now and both houses. Whats that done for me? Donut hole.
And if you can't legally torture them...then lets just illegally torture them:
The new policy should be - kill these people when you find them. Or if you need information, capture them and interrogate them vigourosly for a period of 1-2 days, then kill them to cover the trail before some federal judge issues a habeas order for them. this is how the CIA is going to have to operate now - Jack Bauer style.
Yeah well, I am from a military family. My Dad disliked McCain (navy guy) always said McCain did some things he should not have while a prisoner. I always cut the guy some slack- until now. You don't act like McCain and Hagel with soldiers in the field. Whatever they may have been in their youth, they are Dem loving traitors now. I will never vote for McCain. I don't care who the Dems run. He put his own ambition ahead of the nation's well being. As for Hagel, he might as well join the Dems. They may well have been heroes in their youth, but now, both are scum.
And of course, what would Free Republic be without civil debate?:
Fine - Just FINE, McCain, you bloviating traitorous jerk. I will take this opportunity to ask that our military commanders pass along a directive to SHOOT TO KILL on sight, no questions asked. No live prisoner = no need to torture.
I hate you, McCain. I hate what you've done to this country with your McCain-Feingold Bill. You ERASED EVERYTHING you did in Vietnam. Your name is TRAITOR. Go to hell, McCain.
Now, to be fair, there is a single poster in the thread (who, at least as of this moment hasn't been banned yet), who is acting as the voice of rationality. An Example of one of his posts is:
Yeah, torture is the bisggest proof of patriotism.
Mcain, Hagel, all root for Al-Qaeda. Whatever.
They are heros. You are not.
Unfortunately, it is currently a battle of 1 vs. several in this regard.
Nothing like good ole' Compassionate Conservatism in practice.