You asked for a proof of Chris Lehane's antics..
Well, Kos has written pretty extensively on Mr. Lahane's tactics Here, Here, and Here..
His latest smear is talked about in this thread and in this AP piece, Three lawyers, including Clark supporter, file complaints on Dean bank stock sales
Some more background from the NY Times: Clark's Rivals Irked by Campaign Aide's Tactics
And as I posted previously, of course all the campaigns do oppo research and go negative as valid campaign tactics. It's a different matter altogether to make spurious allegations, especially against your fellow Democrats. Of course each campaign has oppo done - it's Lehane's willingness to use the sleaziest, most provocative and baseless allegations for short-term gain that are the problem
For example, attacking McCain for inconsistencies in his record, etc. would have been fair game for Rove. Push-polling in SC about an "illegitimate black daughter" is underhanded, dishonest and sleazy. Lehane is working on that level.
Now you can sit there and accuse Dean's guy of counter-smearing Lehane or whatever, but really, why waste time when this stuff is all out in the open? Kerry FIRED Lehane months ago for this nonsense.