Wow you people work fast....
Brittany opened her eyes this morning, apparently in response to voices, and she looked up and down! We all know what a great indicator this is, and it gives us all so much more hope that she is fighting her way out of the coma. Her vitals are strong, although she is still unresponsive to poke or tickle. We have a long road ahead of us, but this is the first, real, positive step.
What a wonderful, amazing child.
My grandson peed this morning, and kept a little jello down - a good sign that he is getting stronger; they are moving him out of ICU, and he should be going to see his mother very soon.
So this morning's news is good.
I'm sorry I haven't responded to all of you yet, but I don't have a lot of time and I'm very emotional right now so I'll just say this - so many of you wonderful people posted your (incredibly diverse) prayers and best wishes that I'm overwhelmed.
I know now that many of you understand just what we're going through, and I will try and answer each of your questions, etc., as soon as I can, and post updates when I can. It was amazing to see be a part of all of us joined together like this; I swear I can feel your empathy and hope you did also, and you have genuinely helped me be strong again.
And, what an amazing thing to see so many diverse people around the world unite in a single small purpose, for the love of a little girl - how wonderful and powerful is THAT??!?! It also helps me to believe that we can rise above our differences in other things, and work toward goals that benefit us all, simply because we are all just human beings together on this rock hurtling through space.
Thank you, humbly and sincerely. Thank you all..
Update [2005-8-28 12:41:24 by CodeTalker]:.
Sorry, had just a moment to see the first comments - to those of you who are new to our situation, my daughter and grandchildren were in a horrific car crash, and my granddaughter is in a coma. .
Will post more later, I promise. And thank you, one and all. We so appreciate your outpouring of sympathy and love and best wishes and prayers..