ok, forget Dean's money woes (and the rest of the guys have them too). i'm trying to.
this article about the Democratic establishment--you know, the people who are completely out of power in all three branches of govt, who helped get us into iraq, who helped NCLB become law along with that horrid medicare bill...--those folks are briefing sighs of reliefs these days that Howard Dean is tanking and thankfully, not going to be the nominee. they are so happy to nominate another bob dole-mondale establishment colleague who has done nothing in the Senate. but hey, at least they understand him, and they don't understand that crazy lunatic from VT who transformed american politics with his technology and fundraising from "the people."
it makes me sad and furious. these guys have no idea what they are missing. if Dean is the nominee, i am prepared to donate to the DNC, the DSCC, become an active member because i thought finally, overdue changes and a real message that could help bring progressive ideals back. should Dean (or Clark) not be the nominee, i will do none of these things. i will maybe try to get involved with my local Democratic committees, but more likely my time and money will go to nonprofit organiziations working for the environment or racial poverty or for a living wage campaigns. and maybe one day again, i can dare hope the party can regain a leadership that listens to its disgruntled grassroots and welcomes it, instead of fearing it....