So how about this gem from
Wednesday's White House Press Briefing:
Q: So why did you decide to out him[Clarke], as the background briefer?
MR. McCLELLAN: I don't think that's a correct -- I disagree with the premise of your question, because it was Fox News who yesterday came to us and said they had a tape of this conversation with Mr. Clarke.
Q: Wait, wait, wait, wait -- but it was on background. I've got tapes with plenty of people speaking on background. Can I go and tell the world who they are?
Q:MR. McCLELLAN: Yes, and I think that we always listen to your request when you come to us and ask if something can be put on the record. And there are times when we are able to fulfill those requests. You are very well aware of some of those times. In fact, after Fox News was able to air this, we reached out to other members of the media, including yourself, I believe, to let you know that you could go back and use this information on the record.
Q: And I appreciate that, but --
MR. McCLELLAN: But let's -- no, no --
Truly, Fox News has no shame. Actually, it's win-at-all-cost GOP scumbags that have no shame. The fact that they work at Fox News is secondary.