Recently, Yahoo News has been rated the #1 Internet News Site AND has undergone a SIGNIFICANT change to its 'Look & Feel'. Umm... and that would be AFTER the rating???
Second story line- Google is being sued by AFP, AFP used to be a prominent provider on Yahoo- not so easy to find anymore? (BTW, the F stands for France- more freedom fries with that?).
Third story line- C'mon, share your tips for extracting the MAX out of the net. I need the education.
Fourth story line (
I feel like a Cat Burgler)- What about that MSNBC Newsbot?
Fifth story line- Google is picked by robot, Yahoo has human editors; Kasparov vs. Big Blue?
Sixth story line- What about the MSM sites (CNN, ABC, CBS, Faux)? Are ANY of them really good? Is any part of them good, and if so for what?
Awaiting your input, including generalized rants and ravings about the injustice of it all. All I promise is that I'll read EVERYTHING!