The 1995 Securities Litigation Reform Act was very controversial. And Clinton vetoed it while John "hate special interests" Kerry stood with the finance and accounting interests:
i love Jon Cohn!! i will subscribe to TNR just based on him!
and as i noted in an earlier diary, TNR has a story on the negative mailer that Kerry is sending to NHites.
Check out the negative mailer Kerry is throwing out in NH.
i think it's all bullshit. i don't care if Clark was a Republican. that probably only makes him MORE attractive to New Hampshire folks.
All of Dean's "gaffes", i agree with: Osama should get a fair trial. holy fuck! someone actually believes in the Constitution!! We're not safer with Saddam! yup, and Americans keep dying everyday...
I will vote for Clark anyday over Kerry, even though I know Kerry's probably the better progressive. ANd i hope Lehane and all the other former Kerryites who know where the bodies are buried start unleashing on Kerry now...