Lord of the Rings metaphors, a little late (add your own or change mine around)
Sauron and friends ... Religious Extremist NGOs,
Al Qaeda et al.
The Nazgul represent the spectre of religously backed governments of the past that still stand as the touchstone for NGOs like Al Qaeda, like the Caliphate or the Christian Kings
Saruman ... Religious Extremists in the White House ... trying to improve upon NGO (orc) structure by slaving it to modern political (human) model (Uruk-Hai as Christian Coalition)
The Stewards of Gondor ... the DLC tainted DNC. Believes it will lose unless it stoops to the tactics of Saruman and Sauron. Or just believes it will lose. Fights the good fight, but ...
The men of the North (the Rangers) ... grassroots Dems who have been caught up in small causes for too long. Suspicious of their own rise to power, because they fear that they will falter as the current Stewards of Gondor have or as their ancestors (the old progressives) did
The Ents ... the Green Party ... caught up in ecological issues to such an extent that they are insufficiently mobilized to combat Saruman on a grand scale when he comes to destroy the forest. Take forever to decide on anything as a movement.
The Dwarves ... wall street fiscal conservatives, concerned with profit for so long that they have unleashed several Balrogs and have almost been caught unawares by the rise of Sauron and Saruman in their midst. Recently run out of their strongholds by financial ruin and ...
Goblins ... smaller versions of the religiously motivated Orcs and Uruk-Hai, but more driven by material needs ... crony capitalists willing to ally with religious zealots able to provide muscle (cave trolls) to push out the dwarves of industry. Will only stop their thieving and plunder when faced directly with the Balrogs like pollution or stock market plunges.
Wild-men of the Plains ... simple folk who have currently been swayed to Saruman's side against the Rohan Rider Horse Breeders. Can easily be swayed back to the cause of Humans by a strong leader in Gondor.
Horse Men of Rohan ... swing voters, fearful of Saruman and the Wild-Men of the Plains, and whose leaders (King Theoden) have been made immobile, feeble and hopeless by Grima Wormtongue (Fox News, Right Wing Newspapers)
My wife is whimpering, so pick up the slack