I live a few blocks downhill from Coit Tower, so I was pretty fucking pissed off when Bill O'Reilly declared open season on the landmark and San Francisco.
It is clear that Bill O'Reilly is a coward who is aiding the terrorists with his offer for them to attack America.
Bill O'Reilly has caught hell for his remarks and should be fired. Instead of apologizing, O'Reilly is digging in and tonight vowed to publish an enemies list of the names of internet "smear merchants" who have criticized his invitation to attack our country. To help ensure your name makes the list, use the comments to say what you think of Bill O'Reilly.
Quoted by
Think Progress:
Some far left internet smear sites have launched a campaign to get me fired over my point of view. I believe they do this on a daily basis. This time the theme is O'Reilly is encouraging terrorist attacks. Unbelievably stupid. Not unusual with these guttersnipes. [...]
I'm glad the smear sites made a big deal out of it. Now we can all know who was with the anti-military internet crowd. We'll post the names of all who support the smear merchants on billoreilly.com. So check with us.
The list isn't up yet, so post a comment colorful enough to make the list.