Wow. Who didn't see this one coming:
from the paragon of journalistic ethics and unbiasedness, the NY Times:
the most galling thing they harp on is this:
[blockquote]In fact, "My Life" reads like a messy pastiche of everything that Mr. Clinton ever remembered and wanted to set down in print; he even describes the time he got up at 4 a.m. to watch the inaugural ceremonies for Nigeria's new president on TV. There are endless litanies of meals eaten, speeches delivered, voters greeted and turkeys pardoned. There are some fascinating sections about Mr. Clinton's efforts to negotiate a Middle East peace agreement (at one point, he suggests that Yasir Arafat seemed confused, not fully in command of the facts and possibly no longer at the top of his game), but there are also tedious descriptions of long-ago political debates in Arkansas over utility regulation and car license fees . There are some revealing complaints about missteps at the FBI under Louis Freeh's watch , but there are also dozens of pointless digressions about matters like zombies in Haiti and ruins in Pompeii.[/blockquote]
Zombies in Haiti? Ruins in Pompeii? sounds like this book has all the makings of an international murder mystery/conspiracy, as solved by our favourite character, the Big Dog himself :)
Ahh the NY TIMES. Bashing this book must have been a panacea rather than moralizing in the office over Judith Miller and Jayson Blair and Howell Raines and...well gosh, the list just goes on and on.
Of course, Drudge is trumpeting this review as a major thing. I see it for what it really is: revenge by a paper so filled with hatred of Clinton that they just cannot even fairly review a book.
Let it go guys, let it go. He's not president anymore. Isn't it time to start REALLY reporting on the guy who is? Remember the hours of sweat blood and tears you guys put into those stories about a blue dress? or the hours wasted on a non-scandal called Whitewater?