The Globe&Mail has interview with Michael Moore and I was surprised to learn of the effectiveness of the right's campaign against theatres who were planning to show Farhernheit 9/11, but here it is:
Moore says three national chains have declined to show his film without offering a reason. Initially, Fahrenheit 9/11 was to open in 1,000 theatres. That has shrunk to 500, and he describes it as a daily battle to convince theatre owners not to be intimidated.
Is he surprised the Republicans would stoop to these kinds of political dirty tricks? "I'm not surprised," Moore says. "I respect their side. They're committed in a way we aren't. They're up at the crack of dawn trying to find a new way to screw people, and the only way our side can see the crack of dawn is if we've stayed up all night."
Perhaps it is time to start another round of contacting theatres encouraging them to not be intimidated.