Well, Brooks was close to providing balance, and in fact, his critique of leftish websites rings partially true when he writes:
The Nation and leftish Web sites are in a frenzy to prove that the story is probably true even if Newsweek is retracting it.
I wouldn't call it a frenzy, but I think it's fair to say we're going to see it proven. But whatever, per Armando, this guy can't help himself:
Meanwhile, the left side of the blogosphere has erupted with fury over the possibility that American interrogators might not have flushed a Koran down the toilet.
I'll be honest, I'm not that upset about the possibility that a Koran wasn't flushed down the toilet. I'm just not, and I haven't seen anyone here who is. Somewhat incredulous but accepting, yes. Upset, no. Take it away, Armando.