I can't believe it. I just can't believe it.
Bush's "caste" is so economically independent the members can't conceive of Americans
needing to rely on government for anything. Sure, maybe police, fire, and such, but community pools, public parks, tennis and golf courses, even schools all can "easily" be replaced by the private sector, in their tiny, pampered, Norquistian minds. And since no one equates interstate highways, securities disclosures, bank regulation and deposit insurance, worker safety enforcement, the secondary mortgage market, guaranteed pension insurance and a million, billion other things they can't see, touch, hear, feel, or eat but make their lives what they are with the taxes they pay, they hate taxes and the government-from-Mars that supposedly imposes them willy nilly.
The only ones who really know the value of government are the ones who need it the most, mainly poor, ethnic, and deep urban and ultra-rural folks who don't perceptably pay much in taxes in the aggregate but who proportionately of discretionary income pay the most because they don't have incomes that matter to Wall Street, Madison Avenue or the GOP but have to do the worst jobs in our society or are unemployed or trapped in poverty ("lazy" in the tiny grey globs occupying the walnut-sized Bushnik brainpan) where things like equal housing and employment, social programs, free health clinics and public facilities of all kinds are part of the very texture of their lives day-by-day, sometimes hour-by-hour.
What a greedy, short-sighted, stupid bunch of morons "lead" us, and how stupid is America collectively for being suckered in. We had it great. Now it's gone. God how I hate them.