(June 29, 2006)
Today, hundreds of NSS members joined to help defeat two Congressional votes that would have killed NASA's human exploration program. The votes were proposed by Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York's 9th district, and Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusett's 4th district. Rep. Frank's amendment would have prohibited NASA from spending any money to send humans to Mars, and Rep Weiner's amendment would have cut $477 million from NASA's exploration program. NSS thanks its members for expressing their views on these important policy and fiscal issues. Ad Astra!
After Challenger exploded, Ted Kennedy was the only Senator I wrote (asking that manned space exploration continue) who sent a piss-poor form letter. I haven't trusted the (generalization) Democrats on space exploration since. Jimmy Carter, Mondale, Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, all not exactly strong on space exploration.
As a gay man I love to see Barney Frank smack down some Republican nutjob on social issues, gay marriage (etc), but I cannot say that the Democrat's focus since JFK is or has been long sighted. You can't take of the poor supporting the status quo.
We need to advance, or we might as well go back to sharecropping and feudalism. I'm sorry Barney, but I can't support you on chopping up the NASA budget when we spend six billion plus dollars a month on a Dustbowl War. If we can afford to waste money in Iraq, we can afford anything.