Change does not happen overnight. It does not happen because you wish for it. Change does not occur because someone else does the work. Change happens because you go out, you find a cause or a candidate and you work as much as you can to make a difference. Want a blue state? A blue nation? Then look right in front of you, because I guarantee that you can find a David, like I did.
David Englin is my neighbor in the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria and a committed Progressive who is running for the seat that has been left open by the unfortunate illness of Marian Van Landingham. David and his wife Shayna were my precinct captains during the Kerry campaign. Their hard work resulted in a turnout in our district of over 90%. When Rep. Van Landingham announced that she would not seek reelection, David saw an opportunity to continue to work. More below the fold.
Those of us who live in Virginia know that many Democratic candidates often swing to the middle in order to run for state-wide office. While it is important for Moderate Dems to have their voices heard,
Virginia and this country will go blue only if committed Progressives hold fast to values like
freedom and justice for all regardless of sexual orientation, income level, race or age.
David is a Veteran of the Air Force who was in the Pentagon during 9/11, a lifelong Democrat and, frankly speaking, an awesome guy. He's been posted on AlterNet, The American Prospect, and even Belief Net. David passes out his phone number and address with much of his campaign literature and makes it a point to talk to anyone who is curious about his campaign. My wife and I sat down with him and Shayna (and their son Caleb, who pelted me with snowballs afterwards) over a brunch for an hour talking about how best to put out his message and to work for change in Virginia.
Volunteering for David makes me realize that this is how a good campaign is run. I worked hard on the Kerry campaign with David and his wife Shayna, and we energized a lot of people. While we lost Virginia, we got some incredible turnout in blue areas. Keeping people motivated to work for change is no small task. But you have to keep it up.
While I enjoy speculating about who will be the Democratic candidate in 2008 as much as the next Kossack, working for an hour on David's campaign does a world more of good. Knocking on doors and talking to neighbors about supporting a true Progressive for the Virginia House of Delegates helps pave the way for a Blue Virginia.
This is a safe seat for Democrats, but a safely Democratic district does not mean a safely Progressive district. It is vitally important that we give candidates like David the opportunity to promote Progressive values in statehouses around the country. The GOoPers know how to use a safe seat, and let's just say they don't run moderates in those areas. If the 45th is allowed to go to someone who is looking to garner future votes in Lynchburg, then the voters of blue Alexandria, Arlington and the other 45th voters will be cheated out of their role as dissenting voices of reason in a red state, and Virginia will remain red.
While David and Shayna will appreciate me telling you to help out if you can, remember that Progressive candidates everywhere are looking for your support, and the elections they are running for may be as soon as this spring.