On the ground in Cincinnati.
If Paul can't Hack-it, we're in deep Schmidt.
As a long time political participant here in SW Ohio, I'm concerned about some things I'm seeing circulated here in the blogosphere. The tremendous online interest in the OH-02 race is heart warming, as is people's desire to do something that can help make a difference.
But, as Tip O'Neil said, "all politics is local." That is especially true here in SW Ohio, in OH-02. Its a pretty provicial place.
Urging or making out of state phone calls to local radio shows, especially one's that do not deal with politics have the potential to hurt Paul Hackett rather than help. One show people were urged to call (Gary Burbank) actually only does comedy and stupid sports trivia quizes. Calling there and trying to talk politics comes off badly.
Another, (Jim Scott) mostly stay's out of politics and is not confrontational at all. There are shows where calls will help, but calls identifed as coming from out of state may damage more than help, especially if the caller is not well informed.
On the other hand it is fairly well known that Bill Cunningham, WLW's most vociferous critic of Paul Hackett, especially on the issue of his remarks about Bush, found a way to avoid serving in in Vietnam. Cunningham is a classic "chicken hawk." Maybe that should be touched on, questioned.
Out of state phone banking if not done well can have similar results. This race can be won. Lets not in our eagerness let it slip away by shooting ourselves in the foot. If you are going to call, make sue you know what show you're calling and make sure you can back up what you say. These talk show hosts are tough and can make a fool out if you in a hurry if you're not.
Also, please be aware that blog entries on here and in other places are now being read on the air to make bloggers look bad. So bear in mind what you write may go farther than you think.
This race has a chance to make history, maybe it already has, this race was not supposed to be this close, let alone winnable. Lets be sure and bring it home the way we'ed like to see it come in, and not turn the tide against ourselves by doing things that hurt, not help.
At this point, GOTV is the critical thing to be done. We should not count on the media to do anything now that will influence the outcome.
We're in the final hours - lets be smart.