If you haven't been tipped to Michael Tomasky's column on what trivia he expects a Democratic candidate to know:
For the record, Tomasky: I called dibs on Alex Trebek's job WAY before you came along. Quit cuttin' the line.
I would have thought it should go without saying, but apparently it doesn't: there are stops in the continuum between Ken Jennings and Carrot Top. Just because it's bad to have a president who couldn't beat a wet sponge in a game of checkers does NOT mean I require my president to know arcane 1940's cinema (and yes, Tomasky, "The Best Years of Our Lives" is pretty darned archaic).
More on the flip...
Hell, if M-Tom can have his test, I can have mine. Democratic field! Have #2 Pencils ready. Keep in mind this is a timed test: you have until February 2008 to finish.
$100 Sgt. Brian Sylvester, Ensign Harold Smith and Private John R. Harding served in which wars, respectively? If you protest these were not famous people: what do you have against our nation's fine and noble enlisted men?
$200 What's the twenty-third word listed on page 352 of Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary? No peeking.
$300 What's your favorite webcomic? If you responded "what's a webcomic", dude. Don't even bother.
$400 How would history be different if Mary Todd Lincoln had access to some really primo weed?
$500 Which statement is elitist: "The greatness of the Beatles is beyond argument" or "The Beatles were so overrated"?
$1000 If I borrowed your car for the weekend and this idiot plowed through a red light and sideswiped me- I mean, you'd be cool, right? `Cuz man, it like totally wasn't my fault. Or it wouldn't have been. Hypothetically.
$1500 I'm thinking of a book. Who wrote it?
$2000 Jimmy Kimmel has a successful career. Yet some maintain there is a god. Reconcile.
$3000 What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and collects a Social Security check the president wants to change to a private account in the evening?
$4000 What have I got in my pocket?
$5000 I have this... small lump. On my back. It's kind of squishy, but way too big to be a pimple. I wouldn't mention it but... it's been getting bigger. Do you think it could be cancer?
Fauvism- is that a real thing, or did I just make it up?