So I wish my first post to this diary didn't have to be a rant, and I wish it didn't have to be conspriacy theory crazy talk, but I'll be damned if
Diebold isn't maybe behind this fiasco in Indiana.
No really, I understand that this really seems a little bit out there, but you know, you hear about these things happening in Florida or Ohio or some other swing state. Indiana is pretty solidly Republican in her voting, so I never imagined I'd
see it here.
And what
really burns me is that the District 5 numbers from the first link up in the intro graf is MY DAMN DISTRICT. It's not Diebold screwing with someone else's votes; this time they could be screwing with
mine, and I'm livid!
I'm so upset about this because, for the first time, I believe, since history began, this neck of the woods is solidly in Democrat control. And now, we seem to have "found" these votes, almost a full day late. And of these closely-contested races that could be sent the other way,
every damn one would be sent back to the GOP.
What is there to do? I don't know. Diebold sure won't be willing to audit the records, I imagine, for a municipal election, and they sure wouldn't say THEY screwed up, even if they did. There's no paper trail, and I just can't believe this is going on. I'm going to shit a brick and throw it at someone if the GOP wins seats back because of this. This couldn't look any more suspicious, even with Katherine @#%#^ing Harris counting the votes.