Zell Miller should be thrown out of the Democratic Party. His expulsion should be done as publicly and as immediately as possible. His ilk should be held up as persona non grata in the Democratic Party.
From Mad as Zell's appearance on"Imus in the Morning" radio show
"The more Maureen Loud [sic] gets on 'Meet the Press' and writes those columns, the redder these states get. I mean, they don't want some high brow hussy from New York City explaining to them that they're idiots and telling them that they're stupid."
Miller also suggested "that red-headed woman at the New York Times" should not mock anyone's religion: "You can see horns just sprouting up through that Technicolor hair."
MinnDem04 says:
"The Democrats should have had the courage to call Zell out for what he really is -- an angry, white segregationist from the old South. Zell lied about Kerry's record, the Dems should have been honest about Miller's."
It is time to label Zell Miller for what he truly is.
So therefore, I Stormwatcher of Kos, expunge the Democratic Party of thee and (D)enounce thee "Zell Miller". Henceforth and forever more let thee be known among all Brotheran and Citizens of this great land as "Zell Miller - Republican !!!!