Here they are, the 18 Democrat senators who didn't feel doing everything in their power to stop a future where the president is czar, was worth it.
The 18 Democrats who didn't stand up to fight a tommorrow where a corperations rights are consistently ruled more important than average american citizen's.
The 18 Democrats who didn't feel living in a country where police can shoot to kill kids at will for stealing a purse without any legal reprecussion, was worth the fight.
Yep, here they are, the 18 Democrats who didn't feel the possibility of living in a country where a woman has indivitual rights, only AFTER consulting & answering to her husband....was worth a fillibuster, let alone an extended debate.
Yeah here they are, the 18 senators we are going to flood this week with calls, emails, & letters expressing our severe dissatisfaction with their lack of spine, knowlege of supreme court history, common sense judgement, or any combination of.
Let 'em have it: and don't be intimidated by snotty staffers, just think, when the chips were down, they abandoned us.
Akaka (HI)(202) 224-6361
Baucus (MT)(202) 224-2651
Bingaman (NM)(202) 224-5521
Byrd (WV)(202) 224-3954
Cantwell (WA)(202) 224-3441
Carper (DE)(202) 224-2441
Dorgan (ND)(202) 224-2551
Inouye (HI) (202) 224-3934
Johnson (SD)(202) 224-5842
Kohl (WI)(202) 224-5653
Landrieu (LA)(202) 224-5824
Lieberman (CT)(202) 224-4041
Lincoln (AR)(202) 224-4843
Nelson (FL)(202) 224-5274
Nelson (NE)(202) 224-6551
Pryor (AR)(202) 224-2353
Rockefeller (WV)(202) 224-6472
Salazar (CO)(202) 224-5852
A complete Senate listing of numbers and emails are here: