This is really sickening to me, how Bush and his boys dared to make drastic cuts in the Army Corps of Engineers budget to help New Orleans better prepare for a hurricane just so he:
- can cut taxes for the richest 1 percent and...
- send U.S. servicemen, including Louisiana National Guard members, to Iraq to fight a war he dragged us into under false pretenses.
I've read the stories, and I'm shocked. I knew Bush was bad from the beginning, but THIS in failing to fulling fund efforts to help New Orleans better withstand a castrophic hurricane like Katrina.
I'm even more troubled by the failure of the main news media in this country to cover this important story and ask the hard questions (including the softball ones that will inevitably be asked by ABC's Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America" today)? We deserve far better from the major networks than the cheap service they are providing in protecting BushCo from the hard, probing questions that need to be asked.
If the gross negligence of this administration in seeing to it that New Orleans was well protected from the sort of castrophe that Katrina delivered BEFORE the hurricane happened is not an impeachable offense, I wonder what is.
It's time for Republicans to FINALLY put their loyalty to the stars and stripes above their loyalty to Bush and their party and begin impeachment proceedings against Bush and Cheney AT ONCE. Otherwise, they are every bit as guilty of obstruction of justice as the Watergate criminals were in the 1970's.