I have heard a lot of self-serving Republican excuses for the failure of federal government response to Hurricane Katrina. Many of them start with the statement "No one could have foreseen..."
Pure defensive bullshit. There is nothing that has happened on the Gulf Coast or to New Orleans that was not foreseen!
Everyone knew there would be a big hurricane. Everyone knew that if it hit New Orleans the city was likely to flood and that evacuation would be difficult at best. The only thing no one knew was when.
An effective government would have had plans and supplies in place and would have tested them in exercises, then funded the needed command structure, prepositioned equipment and kept a list of available people and resources. These people have been winging it because none of this was done.
What we have seen is mostly a failure of planning and funding at the federal level, command structure, a lack of professionalism in FEMA, and a resulting lack of coordination and mutual support among the various federal, state, county/parish and local governments.
This federal government decided that they could gamble that no hurricane would hit on their watch so they could cut taxes and invade foreign countries the were no threat to us. Funding Hurricane preparation didn't win the next election, so Rove ignored it. Funding Hurricane preparation took money away from Cheney's unnecessary war. Bush delegates to whatever political supporter has contributed the most money as does not waste energy evaluating the job his appointees do. (Too busy being on vacation and riding his bike.)
Bush/Rove/Cheney have given us very bad government. Ask the people on the Gulf Coast.