The capital has become the new Beruit. Strongman Cheney is engaged in a battle of attrition with The CIA & State. Outside of Rummy and the mediocracy, he has lost what little true support he had itamong the commissioned cadres in DOD. The Powells & Scowcrofts in DOD have had with the chickenhawks. The FBI, too, has been pretty well peed upon by the Cheney crew too. When you've pissed off folks with reach into the core of the D (and) CIA, guys in State and FBI tired of bein' whipping boys-- watch your ass. These are guys that could provide (Special Counsel) Patrick Fizgerald with the laser beamed image of Cheney's underwear tags if need be. In the end, somewhere- ironically- in secret, an operative will be laughin his ass off, queing up a live podcast of Dick crappin' his pants.