A little break from Rove and Roberts, here is a poll on important NY races in
2006. If it was already diaried, I will delete.
Hillary: 57
Pirro: 31
Another poll in June from another pollster showed Hillary leading by about the same, 59-29. Pirro is more moderate than another challenger, Ed Cox(Nixon's son in law), so I'm guessing her numbers against him are better.
Favorable ratings:
Hillary: 60
Pataki: 52
60% also think Hilary deserves re-election. Pataki's favorables are up, and he has narrowed the lead with Spitzer, although the NY AG still leads by 12%. And just 30% of voters want Pataki re-elected. Whether Pataki will run or will leave for hopes of the presidency remains to be seen. He said he will make a decision in September.