This is besides the
40 years of questioning whether or not the New Orleans levee system was adequate to withstand hurricanes, just before the storm hit , many officials and engineers anticipated the breach of the levees. So add this to the
list volume of lies the Bush Administration continually tells the American people.
The Lie
"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees."
--Bush, to the knee-padded Dianne Sawyer on ABC's Good Morning America, this morning.
The Truth
Mayor Ray Nagin said that the levee system that protected the city would "most likely" fail. Somberly, he told the camera, "We are facing a storm that most of us have long feared."--Aug. 29, 2005
"The storm surge most likely will topple our levee system." --Ray Nagin New Orleans Mayor Aug. 28, 2005
and to watch the video of LSU's Ivor van Heerden being interviewed by Miles O'Brian at CNN where a storm surge and flooding is predicted.
find "SCI-TECH"
look for Katrina cooking up 'toxic gumbo'
also This KOS diary adds to the mess.