This is a good time to make a donation to the Kerry-Edwards 2004, General Election Legal and Accounting Compliance Fund (GELAC). GELAC funds will be used for any forthcoming recount battles, such as the one that took place in Florida in 2000. GELAC funds are also crucial for current campaign legal and accounting expenses and allow the campaign to devote all of its other resources to getting John Kerry's message to the American people.
Please keep the following in mind:
* In the last election, Florida was decided by 537 votes and New Mexico was decided by 366 votes. Four other states were decided by fewer than 8,000 votes. The race is looking equally close in many states in 2004.
· In the 2000 Florida ballot recount the Bush campaign out raised and outspent the Gore campaign by over 4-to-1 ($14 million to $3.2 million). We cannot expect to win recount battles with such a discrepancy in resources.
If you are reluctant to give, please ask yourself what you would give to undo Florida in 2000 or to keep it from happening again.
Also note that, by law, a donor can contribute up to $2,000 to GELAC even after giving the maximum allowable donation of $2,000 to the primary campaign. So if you haven't given to GELAC already, you are permitted to donate up to $2,000, even if you maxed out for Kerry before the Democratic convention.
And now, most importantly, here is the link to donate to Kerry/Edwards 2004 GELAC!