ok..so i read your posts about what you thought on condi rice..and there were alot out there who thought she did poorly, others thought that she did well..
..so i figured it was a mixed bag..her looking pretty good, but the usual lying..
I saw a lot of the testimony last night. I have to say, that was a joke. A complete joke. How anyone could possibly say that she seemed even remotely sincere is crazy. At least when Bill say "that woman" he certainly seemed believable.
But Condi kind of reminded me of a teenager arguing with their parents--trying to not get angry b/c you know that looks 'immature'--but at the same time arguing such obvious lies to try get what you want that even you end up stumbling after awhile.
She didnt look cool or calm. She looked like she was TRYING to look cool and calm, and in doing so she looked scared. She looked very scared.
The applause lines didn't go for her. They were going against her. She was clearly not the one in the room that the people believed in. It was clear that she wasn't answering the questions. It was clear that she was either lying, spinning, or offering vague responses. Or all 3.
I really thought that I was going to watch that tape and see a Tony Blair episode..that is, elloquent, convincing, smart, and damnit, very sincere. [Not that he is any of these..but he does come off that way]. Sort of like his speech to Congress last July.
Instead I saw an obvious liar. And everyone in the room knew that.
It thus remains surprising to me that ya'll--even if a minority of ya'll--thought that was convincing.
Its a bit unsettling.