The story about those missing explosives may have legs, but
pace George Lakoff, it needs to be "framed" well.
For instance, at every opportunity, say or write 760,000 pounds instead of 380 tons. It's very easy to mishear the unit of measurement, so present the amount as a very, very large number.
Use similes or metaphors to more deeply imprint the magnitude of this story upon the populace. A couple of suggestions off the top of my head, below the fold:
* Enough explosives to build
10 car bombs a day, every day for the next two centuries
* The disappeared explosives weigh as much as two fully-loaded Boeing 767 airliners (source)
I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to express how huge a fubar this is, and how fully it captures the abject failure of the current malAdministration's war. Use your imagination! What's most essential, though, is to frame the story so that it resonates.