Lots of these in the last few days.
Minnesota (former Republican governor)
Elmer L. Andersen: Why this Republican ex-governor will be voting for Kerry
Throughout my tenure and beyond as the 30th governor of this state, I have been steadfastly aligned -- and until recently, proudly so -- with the Minnesota Republican Party.
It dismays me, therefore, to have to publicly disagree with the national Republican agenda and the national Republican candidate but, this year, I must.
The two "Say No to Bush" signs in my yard say it all.
Kentucky (former Republican senator)
'Frightened to death' of Bush
I shall cast my vote for John Kerry come Nov 2.
I have been, and will continue to be, a Republican. But when we as a party send the wrong person to the White House, then it is our responsibility to send him home if our nation suffers as a result of his actions. I fall in the category of good conservative thinkers, like George F. Will, for instance, who wrote: "This administration cannot be trusted to govern if it cannot be counted on to think and having thought, to have second thoughts."
I say, well done George Will, or, even better, from the mouth of the numero uno of conservatives, William F. Buckley Jr.: "If I knew then what I know now about what kind of situation we would be in, I would have opposed the war."
I know there have been others, but I have a terrible memory. Drop a line in the comments with the names, and I'll add them to this post.
Michigan (former Republican governor)
Former GOP Governor Endorses Kerry
Former Republican Gov. William Milliken of Michigan endorsed Democratic Sen. John Kerry for president on Monday, saying President Bush has pursued policies "pandering to the extreme right wing."
Milliken, governor from 1969-82, accused the Bush administration of rushing into the Iraq war, pushing tax cuts that benefit the rich and blocking meaningful stem-cell research.
"I felt so strongly about the direction of this country that in the end, it wasn't a difficult decision to make,'' Milliken said in an interview Monday with Traverse City Record-Eagle reporters and editors.
Update: Here's a
full list of prominent Republicans who have endorsed Kerry, or will not vote for Bush. Courtesy of the rockin' dKosopedia.