As shown by the fast recovery from Iowa, the Dean campaign is learning quickly from its mistakes. And yes, a convincing 2nd, up from 4th,
is a recovery - albeit not the slam dunk we were rooting for. Are we a longshot now? We always were. Media hype, campaign hype, and $$$ hid that for awhile, but it was always an uphill battle to put Howard on the ticket.
But I'm fighting for him, and it sure is nice to see a rapid pace of continuing positive moves:
- They're finally taking on the YEAHHH! hype directly. The scream video from the crowd, and a selection of media mea culpas, is now linked directly on the DFA blog front page - in a post for the moment - let's hope this takes its place alongside the Prime Time interview
- they are engaging in a more focused and active dialogue with their supporters about tactics, such as how best to retool and better target the 'letters cannon'
- a bit more under the radar, check out this bit of candor from the campaign's lead IT man, Jim Moore. I spotted that last night. Glad to see the beginnings of real followthrough (see item 2) so quickly.
Whatever the outcome, this movement will continue, and will continue to shape this election, whether under Kerry, Edwards, Clark, or Howard Dean, all worthy of our support. I must also plug this superb diary, from Bob Johnson, which turned into a solid discussion about where we are going from here.