The similarities are overwhelming:
- Both are powered by bullshit. America was told that the two-year hiatus in Space Turkey launches was done to keep big honking chunks of foam from flying off the tank and destroying the Space Turkey. During yesterday's launch, a big honking chunk of foam fell off the tank and (GOOD NEWS!) did not cripple the shuttle.
- Both are run to feed billions into the military-industrial complex. Have you seen a full life-cycle accounting of the costs of the Space Turkey program lately? Didn't think so.
- Both use cheap propaganda tricks and TV spectacles to sell dangerous and stupid schemes. (Whoa! Look at her go! That's the pride of America!)
- Both reflect a deep-seated inability to learn from failures. When you keep doing the same dumb shit again, and again, and again, there is something wrong with your brain.
- Both use sophistry and spin to confuse and manipulate pubic opinion. The shuttle was sold as "cheap, reliable transportation to space." Now it's "each launch is a test flight."
- Both make America ridiculous in the eyes of the world. Grounding the Space Turkey fleet (both of them) certainly impacts the rescue option in case Discovery can't make it back.