The other day my father came to visit me. Actually he came to visit his two granddaughters but we did spend some time together. We sat on the couch and were watching golf when he asked me about the Supreme Court opening. I told him that it gives our leader another opportunity to make a wise decision. To understand my father you have to know that he is a lifelong Barry Goldwater Republican. He is proud to live in America. Honest, thoughtful, salt of the earth American. He supported Bush and called him a "good man".
The conversation turned to the Downing Street Memo's. I asked him if he had heard of them and he told me he had read a little about them in the paper and they did not seem like that big of a deal. I asked him if he had read them and he told me no. I sat him down on my computer and opened up and showed him how to use the site. I left him alone and went outside to talk to my mother.
Twenty minutes later he opened the door, lit a cigarette, sat down, and asked me how he could have been so fooled by the criminals leading our country. He was pissed at himself. He called the administration liars and crooks.
Later that day he called me from home and told me that he had gone back to the site and printed up the information and was going to take them to work and show his friends. Hallelujah.
America is the greatest country in the world and we need to remind ourselves of that in this battle for the Republic from time to time. America is great because the vast majority of its people have a keen nose for the smell of bullshit and will only take so much. My father is my American hero.