We have our proof that voodoo economics really is just that, at best: voodoo.
At worse it is a scam ...
We have our proof that voodoo economics really is just that, at best: voodoo.
At worse it is a scam.
We have had multiple consecutive tax cuts now. These tax cuts have heavily favored the richest citizens and the biggest corporations.
And the result is an endless bad labor market with a net loss of jobs and a recent growth in jobs which is insufficient to keep up with the growth in the working age population. We have skyrocketing consumer debt, long-term unemployment for many, and all of us who are not rich, minor tax adjustments that amount to nothing as a collective economic stimulus or individual benefit.
The economy is growing! And now that the supply side has its share of the pie, they respond by refusing to hire anyone or create new jobs in America, by offshoring existing jobs to places where labor exploitation is'nt hindered by 1st world politics, by continuing to exploit tax loopholes to avoid paying even their lowered taxes, and by working people who do have jobs harder and harder and harder. It is a gilded age for a few, and a troubled time for most.
Why is this being allowed to happen? On the right, we simply have a refusal to acknowledge that the Bush tax policies and supply-side economics in general is merely a cheap veneer thrown over a vicious class warfare being waged by the rich against the middle class.
But why, on the "left", with the Democratic candidates, do we have such a weak response? Why has class warfare not been identified as such and balance restored?
Sure, the frontrunner, John Kerry, himself a member of the super-rich ruling class, is willing to talk about rolling back the tax cuts on himself, his family, and closest friends. Given his record, there is no guarantee he would ever actually do it, but even granting him the benefit of the doubt ... why won't he or these candidates state what is clearly true? That we have in front of us a huge proof that supply-side economics itself is at best a myth? That supply-side economics is a code phrase for class warfare against the middle class?
I think myself the reason why is that these major candidates, in particular John Kerry, are in some ways identical to George Bush. They are wholly owned subsidiaries of corporate America and they are the representatives first and foremost of the richest few Americans. Even as Kerry denounces "Benedict Arnold CEO's" he also embraces "the creators of jobs" whom he says he wants to represent as much as the middle class and what he is trying to do is send out coded signals that the domination the rich have in this country is not threatened by his candidacy. Kerry is being funded by corporate interests to a far greater extent than any other candidate and he has been one of the most corrupt members of the Senate in this regard for a many years. And he is not atypical nor are these issues surrounding his weak response to the war the rich are waging on the middle class new issues for Democratic Party candidates.
In short, I think the major candidates themselves are representatives of the super rich first and foremost and that is why we don't have any real challenge to the supremacy of wealth in America. The rich neednt worry that the great majority of us who have to work for a living will ever have any real power in America, because we can't have a candidate who does'nt come from the super-rich class himself. It's all an ownership society to that bunch. And we out here trying to make ends meet with a steadily shrinking piece of the pie to divide up, we get John Kerry's bullshit speeches and "promises", which his campaign needed lessons on from another candidate in order to fabricate at all.
Don't believe me? Fine, elect John Kerry and watch him fail to roll back the tax cuts to any large degree, and while he spins away, watch these god damned corporations keep sending our jobs to fucking Upper Boliquador where they neednt be troubled by first-world politics. And watch them contribute to Kerry in the next campaign.
When are we going to get economic justice in this country? When is the day finally going to arrive where our entire nation is not succumbed to corporate greed? When non-Brahmins can run for high office and succeed? When will class warfare be identified as such? When will this myth of supply-side economics finally be relegated to history?