"People do lose jobs as a result of globalization. And it's painful for those who lose jobs," Bush told an entrepreneur during a discussion at Hyderabad's Indian School of Business.
The United States would counter it by educating people with the skills needed to be employed in jobs emerging in the 21st century rather than discouraging outsourcing, he said."
Two problems with this: 1) I'm all for free-ish markets and all, but it seems to me that when your citizens are hurting a LITTLE PROTECTIONISM IS IN ORDER. Free markets shouldn't be a "religion". Why not some tariffs on outsourcing? Why not make companies pay social security wages on Indian employees to fund OUR SS system? It's typical Bush. Outsourcing increases his CEO buddy's profits a couple of percent, and that's more important than people whose income goes to zero due to cheap foreign labor. 2) Education, my butt! NCLB has served its intended purpose; it has gutted the public school system, keeping people stupid and pregnant (or whatever). Let us see CREDIBLE actions to improve education in America. Start with repealing NCLB. Continue with more research (NSF, NIH) money. No dumb restictions on science (stem cell bans). Easier visas to help foreign scientists who want to stay. And generally make AMERICA nicer and freer, so we all don't emigrate to New Zealand or Canada!