Democrats have so few outspoken leaders with spine, so I thought to share quotes from Harry Reid, who personally loathes Bush and is not afraid of explaining why. Sorry I dont have links, but I have taken the quotes from a lot of sources. Most of the older ones come from an article from Slate called Minority Retort and from an interview with BuzzFlash.
"staying the course in Iraq is not an option.''
Cheney Involved In The "Manipulation Of Intelligence To Sell War In Iraq"....
"it was embarrassing for the president to be in South America and have to respond to questions about America torturing prisoners."
"They have repeatedly chosen to protect the Republican administration rather than get to the bottom of what happened and why,"
"This Admin. Manufactured And Manipulated Intelligence In Order To Sell The War In Iraq"...The Republican Senate Has "Chosen To Protect The Republican Administration Rather Than Get To The Bottom Of What Happened"
Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney "should come clean with the American public."
"The president, I guess, is still being driven by Karl Rove," he said on ABC's "This Week." Later, on CNN, he added, "He should be let go."
"If he's a man of his word, Rove should be history," Reid said on CNN's "Late Edition."
"I have yet to hear a legitimate argument against an independent commission to investigate Katrina," in a letter to Frist.
"The commission's work was further slowed by the Bush Administration's decision to restrict or deny the commission access to important Administration officials and documents."
Reid on John Bolton: "Abominable, Mean, Unreasonable and Bizarre."
"Harriet Miers was forced to withdraw by conservative activists who want to change the legal landscape of America. They decided she was inadequately radical or insufficiently aggressive for their purposes, so they gave her the boot."
Reid told reporters that the White House nominated Judge Alito because "word is that they could not find a woman conservative enough to meet the demands of this radical right wing that this White House is so in tune with." As to the timing of the nomination, Reid said, the president "did it today to divert attention from the Karl Rove, Libby, DeLay scandals."
On Alito: "We will see if during the 15 years that he has been a judge, that it is as bad as some of the writers say."
On voting against John Roberts: "I'm not so sure his heart is as big as his head."
"I would always rather dance than fight but I know how to fight."
Reid was scathing in his assessment of the Bush presidency. "In my opinion, I think he has done a terrible job as president," Reid said. "I think he is going to be known for being, perhaps, the Millard Fillmore of the last 100 years.
Reid has called Alan Greenspan a "political hack," said that Clarence Thomas was an "embarrassment," and labelled Bush a "loser" and a "liar."
(would it be great if every Dem in Congress started calling Bush a liar?).
"I haven't gotten where I am by my good looks, my athletic ability, my great brain, my oratorical skills."
"I believe in vengeance," he once told a reporter.
Reid has referred to the president as "King George."
"You son of a bitch, you tried to bribe me!" as he literally tried to choke Jack Gordon when he tried to bribe Reid as Las Vegas Gambling Commissioner. FBI agents had to pry Reid off of Gordon, Reid was so mad. After serving time, Gordon later married Latoya Jackson.
Of calling Bush a liar, Reid said, "If somebody doesn't tell the truth, how else would you describe it?"
On not firing Rove, "the President is not a person of his word."
BuzzFlash: "Why does the Bush Administration have such difficulty in leveling with the American people?
Reid: "Arrogance, abuse of power. This Administration is drunk with power."