As if we needed further confirmation that the Preznit is a self-deluded megalomaniac, comes
this excellent article from The Scotsman. After you read this diary, go view the whole article.
In private Bush believes his greatest legacy will have been to demonstrate, in Iraq, that democracy and liberty can thrive in the Arab world.
The idea of Bush as the Great Liberator provokes mirthful scorn among his critics but is, nonetheless, the view the President has of himself.
More below the fold, as well as a good bit about Social Security
So there it is. Lincoln was the first Great Liberator. And now, 140 years later, we have Bush the Lesser.
Let's compare achivements, shall we?
Lincoln led the country during war. Bush led the country during war. So far, so good.
Lincoln was a Republican. Bush is a Republican. Hey, maybe he really is right.
Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was the most important step toward ending the greatest crime this country has ever perpeuated. Bush, invaded a country for reasons that are unclear.
Lincoln was a self-made man in every respect, a brilliant intellectual with kindness and decency almost beyond measure. Bush is a mean spirited, petulant child who has been handed everything he's ever gotten. Hmm, this comparison is starting to fall apart.
Lincoln's religious faith is a matter of great debate, but it is generally agreed he was not a Christian, and yet upheld more of its ideals than many true believers. Bush is a Christian Pharisee of the worst sort and an embarrassment to the entire faith. He believes Jesus really talks to him. Damn, could George be wrong about himself?!
I could go on with a list a mile and a half long, but I think you see the point. Is there no end to this man's self delusion?
Also from the article: if any of you are doubting the critical importance of the Social Security fight--perhaps the most important legislative battle since 1964 and the Civil Rights Act, read these excerpts:
The scale and breadth of what some Republicans call a "conservative New Deal" is audacious. Bush has little chance of achieving all his stated goals; there are simply too many of them that are too difficult to achieve in the short period of time available.
Nonetheless, no president in recent times has declared an ambition to slaughter as many sacred cows: immigration, social security, tort reform and the tax code are all on the chopping block. All these, plus cutting the federal deficit in half.
The political costs of such sweeping change would simply be too great. Simplification of the 60,000 page tax code is more likely than its near-abolition. The immediate target is social security.
As a senior White House official put it in a rare leaked memo: "If we succeed in reforming social security, it will rank as one of the most significant conservative governing achievements ever. The scope and scale of this endeavour are hard to overestimate."
The stakes are high. "We could risk the majority in Congress if we don't handle this issue the right way," said an administration official. "But we could also lock it in for generations if we do it right."
So this is it, folks. Make or break time. We have to do everything we can to prod the Democrats in Congress not only to fight, but to get the right message out in the media. Now is not the right time for the disorganization and incompetency of the past. Bush is putting all his eggs into this basket and we have to as well. If we can send this down, he'll have shot his "political capital" wad in one early blast, like a fumbling 15 year old boy. And then by 2006, he'll be suffering from Lame Duck Syndrome. We got him.
Oh, before I wrap this up, one more comparison I just thought of:
Many people suspect both Lincoln was and Bush is gay. Wonder what his hateful base would think of that.
(Like I would let this diary end without a cheap shot.)