I am not an eco-nut and quite honestly didn't really care that much about AANWR but after the disgusting display from the Repugs in the Senate I felt compelled to comment. Ok, I MUST RANT!!!
We know the Repugs are disgusting individuals determined to undermine our society for personal gain. They won't be happy until the middle class is gone or at least so close to the edge that they dare not question their authority. Their goal to remove all social programs and give our tax dollars to the wealthiest of individuals and companies is coming to fruition. This latest demonstration of "fiscal discipline" is a perfect example. They cut social programs and open the Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling in an attempt to pay for their tax cuts. But it is all a sham! Case in point!
From November 7th
It would raise $2.5 billion through leasing parts of the Alaskan refuge to oil and gas interests..
But from the Oct 29th Reuters
the president signed into law a Republican-written energy bill giving $14.5 billion in tax breaks and incentives to the energy industry.
To me that looks like a net $12 billion loss in revenues. AM I CRAZY? How does your idiot brother-in-law defend this? I see him bringing up a couple of GOP talking points.
First it will increase U.S. Supplies lowering our reliance on foreign oil or at the very least lower pricing for us poor average Americans.
My answer is bull. The oil companies have already admitted that to be profitable the oil will go to china. In fact the Senate Energy Committee made sure that was possible. From Oct, 19th Reuters
The Senate Energy Committee also rejected a proposal from Democrat Ron Wyden of Oregon that would have prevented Alaskan oil production from being exported to China or other foreign markets.
If they wanted to reduce our reliance or lower prices wouldn't the Repugs demand that the oil from Alaska be sold to America?
Next talking point. "It will generate $2.5 in lease deals." Debunked, see above.
Final debunk for you brother in law. In 2004 we used over 20 million barrels of oil per day. Can he explain how decades of drilling to get at AANWR's 50 days worth of oil would make much of a difference in price or reliance for us?
Although this isn't news the oil companies have bought our government. Is their any other explanation for our Federal government giving the Oil Companies $12 billion and an estimated 10.4 billion barrels of crude to sell to the communist Chinese? Please stop the insanity! VOTE DEMOCRAT FOR EVERYTHING! Senator, President, Mayor or dog catcher.