Via Americablog, I came upon the story of GOP House candidate
Marilyn Brewer, who's trying to get herself not mentioning Bush.
And out there, someone's saying, "D00d! It's duh lib'rul media 'gain. They can't give the preznit no break!"
More below...
Marilyn Brewer, a leading Republican candidate for the nation's only open House seat, stared into the TV camera and proclaimed her support for the president.
"I stand side by side with Ronald Reagan on less taxes and less government," Brewer told voters at a candidate forum.
The former state assemblywoman also praised Nancy Reagan for her devotion to stem cell research, an issue that has bedeviled the Bush White House. And she touts as her prize endorsement Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), the president's sometime rival and critic.
Not a word about Bush.
Later, the self-described loyal Republican who voted for the president in 2004 explained her calculus: "If the election was this year ... he would not be re-elected."
Okay, kids, how long will it be before Karl Rove figures out a way to take Ms. Brewer out of the running?
I don't know whether this is funny or pathetic. Or both. Brewer voted for Bush knowing that he was a...problematic figure. But it's John "Pass me the vaseline, George" McCain's endorsement that she flaunts. Oh sure, her support of the environment and choice are all good and dandy. But this Republican seems to be talking out of both sides of her mouth.
Nevertheless, Ms. Brewer's "Bush? Who's that?" rhetoric proves that the Preznit is becoming political poison. She can't be the only Republican candidate who'll try to create some distance between herself and the guy she voted for. Come 2006, a lot of GOP candidates could be faced with the same dilemma: Hitch your wagon to Bush's star--and sink along with it. Or try to sell yourself as a traditional GOPer, try not to think about the Preznit, and hope Karl Rove doesn't launch a nasty campaign against you.
This is getting good.