Though Dr. Dean didn't quite say it, he came close.
Dean to Tancredo "Congressman Tancredo certainly owes Muslims around the globe an immediate apology for his offensive remarks. At the same time, he also owes Americans an apology for projecting a message that goes against our values. With these remarks, Tancredo has been utterly careless with his responsibility for shaping our foreign policy. Tancredo's continued refusal to apologize poses a very real danger to our troops."
But I'll say it: Tom Tancredo should either profusely apologize for his irresponsible statement regarding using a nuclear weapon to bomb Mecca, or he should resign. Anybody who says something that irresponsible then refuses to retract it should not be allowed to serve as a representative of our country's government. There are thousands of US soldiers in harms way who might very well pay for Tancredo's recklessness with their lives.
Tancredo: apologize or resign.