Not only is Specter's lead in the polls collapsed from a 40 point lead to a 9 point lead, but he has also spent half of the 8.4 million he has raised to date already. Meanwhile, Toomey has not raised as much money as Specter, but it appears he does not have to. The infamous Club for Growth has raised $700,000 for Toomey in the race and is currently airing ads across the state comparing Specter to Kerry and calling Specter "100% too liberal"
The link to the article above is to a story in today's Philadelphia Inquirer, which discusses how both Toomey and Specter are raising nearly half of their funds from out of state groups like Club for Growth.
More Pennsylvania News:
Apparently Rendell is angering a core Democratic constituency: Unions and labor. Their beefs, from a Philadelphia Daily News article:
- Rendell broke his promise to veto the Republican bill grabbing the [Philadelphia] city Parking Authority.
- Rendell agreed to write a letter praising each Republican House member who voted in favor of his budget in December.
- Rendell failed to appoint [Democrats and Union Leaders] Dougherty and Fumo to the Delaware River Port Authority board, instead naming Republican House Speaker John Perzel and himself.
- Rendell named state AFL-CIO official Richard Bloomingdale, instead of a Philadelphia labor leader, to the Unemployment Compensation Board of Review.
See more here
And finally President Bush was here recently in Ardmore, PA (Philly suburb in Delco) and during his speech he recognized Montco Commission Chairman Jim Matthews, who is the brother of Chris Matthews. Bush said: "I see that chairman Jim Matthews is with us," Bush said. "Chairman, I'm glad you're here. [Applause.] He is the smart brother. [Laughter.] Well - it's an inside joke."