National Summit To Save Our Elections
Your right to vote and have it counted is under seige. There is no democracy without fair, open, and verifiable elections. Learn how to fight for your rights. This summit has many presentations, panel discussions, interviews, workshops, and other resources to inform and educate. Learn about poll working, electronic voting, advocacy, finance reform, and lots more.
Sponsored by Oregon Voter Rights Coalition & Alliance for Democracy (Portland Oregon Chapter)
I hope to see everyone there!
Details (speakers, agenda) below the fold...
The National Summit to Save Our Elections spans three days. Many leading election reform advocates and renowned independent media personalities will be speaking, meeting, and greeting.
- Honorable Jesse Jackson Jr., U.S. House of Representatives
- David Cobb, 2004 Green Party Presidential Candidate
- Thom Hartmann, Radio talk show host and author
- Bob Koehler, nationally syndicated columnist, Tribune Media Services
- Brad Friedman, writer and producer of the Brad Blog
- Ronnie Dugger, Alliance for Democracy
- Cliff Arnebeck, Ohio Honest Elections Campaign
- Ellen Theisen, VotersUnite
- Paul Lehto, Attorney, plaintiff in lawsuit against Sequoia Voting Systems and Snohomish County, WA
A complete listing can be found at Meet The Speakers.
Please check out the official agenda. (Sorry, I got tired of cutting and pasting.)
Personal highlights are:
- Friday
3:30p Centralized Voter Registration Databases: Threat to our Democracy
7:15p Panel Discussion: What's Wrong With Electronic Elections?
- Saturday
8:30a Corporate Ownership of Our Elections: The Threat to Our Democracy
10:45a Workshop: Digital for Dummies - The Perils of Electronic Elections
- Sunday
9:10a Workshop: Local Strategies for Election Reform
10:20a Workshop: The Money Trail
I've already made up my mind up about electronic voting and counting. In brief: DON'T. So I'll probably concentrate on everything else, to learn new stuff.
On the other hand... I do want to meet the advocates of open source voting and verified paper trails, just to see what makes them tick.
Here are the summit venues.
First Unitarian Church of Portland
1011 SW 12th Ave.
Portland, OR 97205
Portland State University
(site map)
Car Pooling
I'm driving from Seattle Friday afternoon. If anyone needs a ride, I can stuff two small riders in the back of my two-seater '96 Tercel. My contact info is on my profile. Or reply here.