Ever want to rattle off Bush's misdeeds to an undecided coworker, but couldn't quite come up with the best list of shame? Ever want to illustrate the administration's failure on healthcare, but find yourself wondering exactly how bad the statistics were? Well, furrow your brow no more -- the Senate Democratic leadership has developed
a remarkably good webpage, one that serves as a one-stop shop for arguments and facts.
Need to know how many jobs Bush has lost this country?
1.5 million. How much your health care premiums have gone up under Bush?
45% in just three-and-a-half years. Answers to all these sorts of questions can be found in the remarkably comprehensive
Resource Center, which contains a damning indictment of Bush packaged in tasty little stat-filled morsels. There may be another almanac of Bush's shame like this somewhere else on the web, but I haven't seen it.
Perhaps the nicest aspect of the site, though, is its unifying message:
Doing Right By America. At a time when Democrats seem to be groping around for a central theme other than "Bush Bad!" (which isn't all that bad of a theme, but . . .), the "Doing Right By America" message and platform is folksy and easy to communicate:
Bush has failed us on jobs and health care, and has jeopardized our national security; Democrats are committed to doing right by America by creating jobs, cutting your health care costs, and protecting us from terrorism while ending the Iraq disaster. Throw in a couple damning statistics like those above, and hey presto, you've got yourself a coherent message.
So check out the
Doing Right By America page. Any site this chock full of info, tied together with a pretty theme, is indispensible. And they've even got a